Beauty packages and prices
Here is the list of treatment that you can try on your skin...
Relaxing Massage
20 minutes of this extraordinary massage will be more than enough to regenerate and tone the body, removing the tiredness and stress feeling accumulated
Total duration 25 min
The antistress massage, thanks to the variety of tecniques used, is very customisable. It improves blood and linfatic circulation, helps with cellulite, varicous veins and heart diseases.
It has a relaxing effect on muscles, helping with tension and pain, improves quality of sleep and the ability to relax mind and body. The antistress massage is the result of a fusion of various technologies of body handling.
It is the meeting point between east and west, between old and modern.
A massage tailored for you in a specific part of your body.
For 20 minutes you will be caressed by sweet almonds, olive and avocado oils, that will give you a velvety and deeply hydrated skin.
Nuvola Experience-Dry Floating
Special Massage
We warm up almond oil so it can better penetrate the skin and deeply nourish you from the inside out.
The massage technique uses tapping, kneading, and squeezing, as well as traditional massage strokes.
Draining, decontracting, toning massage, that will stimulates the energies flow of the body.
I assure you that after 50 minutes of this massage you will return home satisfied! While the massageur executes this massage with the feet, you will feel a great sensation of relaxing and your body will loosen and straighten, after these movements like a dance, light and harmonic.
A journey of intense purification and relax.
Unlike the sauna, the Hammam is a wet hot bath absolutely bearable.
First, a massageur will put soap on all your body with the tradition black soap with olive’s oil, massaging you for the first time.
After this you will dive the hot and wrapping atmosphere of the eucalipto scented turkish bath, to free your lungs.
The steam will open the pores of your skin and the pleasant heat, together with the black soap, will deeply clean your body.
After around 20 minutes our massageur will take you to the relaxing wellness hall, where you try the beneficials of the massage with horsehair glove; it is a massage that will completely cleanse your body and the old dead skin will be removed.
After you have removed all the dead cells with a shower, you will have an Argan oil massage (oil reach with nutritional elements).
Duration: 90 minutes.
The practice of using hot stones
La pratica di utilizzare pietre calde per il loro effetto terapeutico ha origini che si fondono con quelle dell'uomo.
Si utilizzavano per diagnosticare e curare alcune malattie posizionandole in particolari punti del corpo oltre che come segno di buon auspicio nelle cerimonie o come monili di protezione e autoguarigione.
La riscoperta del loro valore quale fonte di benessere psicocorporeo è avvenuta grazie all'impegno e alla passione di una terapeuta dell'Arizona che ha voluto ampliarne l'utilizzo, proponendole come nuova opportunità per le beauty spa.
Sulle basi di questo metodo, ha creato un trattamento esclusivo, arricchito da una miscela di oli essenziali ( holistic touch, tranquillity e fluidifying), estremamente piacevole e benefico per il cliente e per chi lo esegue un piacevole massaggio detossinante, rilassante e drenante grazie all'azione combinata di oli essenziali e pietre calde.
I tessuti risultano profondamente drenati e tonici
The Lomi Lomi uses mainly the hands and forearms.
Through variouls movements, long and with rythm, extend the muscles and loosen the joints, being together relaxing and toning, and good for circulation.
But, most important, it restores a balance between body and spiring, giving serenity and love to the treated person.
Duration 50 min.
A bath that is traditionally South Tyrolean, with natural stress relief and healing effects for the skin. It activates the purification of lactic acid in the muscles, and is an ideal treatment for both before and after phisycal activity.
Pindasveda and Sneana Treatment (adviced in the morning) Pindasveda: help the body (pinda) to sweat (sweda) Pinda: Swabs name, the treatment is divided in two partsw.
First part, the Sneana, body oiling.
It is a treatment conceived to make the body sweat, throught the skin, stimulating the expulsion of toxins from the body.
It helps free the body from stiffness, cold and heavyness.
The Sneana Treatment is perfect for toxins problems, rheumatism, arthritis and slow digestion.
All the metabolic waste will be be eliminated efficiently.
Before will be served a infuse and then the Pindasveda treatment starts.
A treatment with hot swabs.
The swabs are filled with exotic fruits toasted extract, wet in hot oil.
The swabs will gradually reach the max temperature, starting from a low one to increase.
A useful treatment to ease joint pains, tissues stimulation and fat melting.
Useful in case of arthritis and arthrosis.
Perfect for relaxing and recharging new energies.
Body and face care
Your eyes are one of the first thing people see about you. That is why taking care of them is really important.
We start with an eye contour treatment with a serum and tonic. Then we apply a mask around the eyes and lips.
This treatment will smooth the appearance of the skin around the eyes and lips, while also helping draining, which will reduce eye circles and undereye bags .
You will look relaxed, bright and natural.
A treatment with natural products (including the blackcurrant) to moisturize your face, making it smooth and solar.
Mud masks can work to remove impurities and dead skin on your body.
An added benefit of sea mud is that the salt and magnesium in it
can improve your skin's functionality by making it a better barrier and
more elastic. We will apply the mud mask on areas you think are more affected by water retention.
Massage for her
There are four levels of cellulite: The first it shows with signs not really visible, the skin surface is normal, there is no pain, but when touched there is an increasing of the tissue softness in some areas – In the second level there is an external increase of softness, even if there is no pain.
An edema is visible in the skin. – In the third level the skin surface take the typical “orange peel” look.
It is the lavel where the micronodules form and when touched there is a deep and well localized pain.
In the Fourth level the pain is strong and sometimes spontaneous, the surface change more visible, the interested areas are colder than the rest of the body, Internally are forming macrogranules, hard when touched and painfull.
These treatment act on the gluteus, the calves,thighs and hips areas helping draining of toxins.
Modelling the treated area and leaving the skin soft.
Sweet almond oil is used (relaxing, for a soft, firm and compact skin) with a slow massage.
During pregnancy a massage brings great relief, not only for sciatic pain, muscle cramps, bones and joint pain, but also in normal pregnancies to improve muscles tone, skin oxygenation, and endorphyn production..
This massage is generic, applied on the legs with light strokes, light pressure and kneading, all in the direction of the heart. On the abdome, for clear reasons, the massage is limited to soft kneading and caressing, excluding any kind of pressure.
The focus will be on the sides (hips) and the lombar area.
Stress, tiredness physically and mentally, swelling of the lower limbs, muscle tension.
Energetic Massage
Arnica is a timeless plant which grows spontaneously in the mountains. The active ingredients of this plant have pain-relieving, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties.
It also relieves pain due to trauma such as falls and shocks and favours the reduction of bruises.
Baby Massage
SPA Programmes
"I want to recharge with new energy. I need a burst of vitality and vigor."
Carefully structured path to purify and revitalize the body; passing from the low temperatures of the Turkish bath to then get to the intense sweating sauna. It serves to oxygenate the skin by freeing it from impurities and give a boost of energy.Wear your bracelet and let yourself be guided!
o 1 massage Karité butter (20 min)
"I am very attentive to my appearance. I want to get rid of impurities, feel regenerated and purified."
Path designed to eliminate excess liquid and slag. It provides exposure to high temperatures of the sauna and promotes the oxygenation of the skin which become softer and brighter. A real treat for the whole body.
o 1 Purify Path with sauna and ice to regain the balance (65 min)
Couple Cuddles
Unlike the sauna, the Hammam is a damp and absolutely bearable heat bath. First, a masseuse will soap you up with the traditional black soap made with olive oil, performing in this way a massage. Then you will immerse yourself in the warm and enveloping atmosphere of the flavored Turkish bath with natural essences of eucalyptus, to release the bronchial tubes. The steam will favor the opening of skin pores and the pleasant warmth, and combined with black soap, it will have the action of purifying your body thoroughly.
Everyone agrees that love conquers all but sometimes stress is hard to combat. Don't waste more energy and let yourself be pampered by our team of professional masseuses enjoying a romantic and memorable time with your sweetheart.
"I want to recharge with new energy. I need a burst of vitality and vigor."